
Quick Delivery

During business days, it may take up to 72 hours to process and dispatch your item, depending on how quickly your order is verified (Monday - Friday).

Delivery time is 2-7 business days after your product has been dispatched. Please keep in mind that this time may change during holidays or limited edition launches.

We ship with the best airlines to assure the greatest delivery service (M&P, TCS)

During the checkout process, you will be notified of the estimated delivery date. Please keep in mind that shipments are only processed during the week.

Additionally, when your shipment is handed over to the shipping provider, we will send you an email (typically within 1-3 business days). They'll provide you a tracking number so you can keep track of your cargo as it travels.

Customs-related information

Import/customs fees may apply to your order, depending on your country.

The buyer is responsible for all applicable customs fees, taxes, and levies, and denied packages will not be reimbursed. Please note that we are not responsible for any customs fines, hold times, or erroneous shipping information provided in your country. Allow 1 to 2 business days for your tracking number to arrive after your order has been processed.

Sho[[ereville is not liable for any shipment delays caused by customs, natural occurrences, or strikes or delays in air or ground transportation, nor for any additional fees, customs, or back end charges.

Package Misplaced or Lost

We are not responsible for lost or stolen packages. We are not responsible if your package is misplaced if your tracking number indicates that it has been successfully dispatched and the address supplied to us during checkout matches the precise address to which we have shipped your transaction. Packages that are stolen or lost are not refundable.